This page is here to help us unify / strengthen how we use types. Please read it through, and if you have any issues or concerns, reach out to the team on slack and let's talk about it.
#Make your types as specific as possible
Try to avoid using ReactNode
, because it contains booleans, null, undefined etc.
Use ReactElement
instead and list the specific types you also need such as string
, number
or null
However, if we have a children prop, we will usually just give it a ReactNode
#Naming conventions
We have the following naming conventions to be able to easily determine what our types refer to. Please use these where you can.
#...Props suffix:
Props that are implemented and processed by Stratus.
export interface BottomSheetProps {
children: ReactNode
isVisible: boolean
handleClose?: () => void
#...Interface suffix:
interface RadioCardInterface extends RadioCardProps, Omit<Omit<InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, 'value'>, 'onChange'> {}
#...Component suffix:
The ...Interface
extended by JSX.Element
If you have a forwardRef component, you can do something like this:
ForwardRefExoticComponent<...Props/...Interface & RefAttributes<HTML...Element>>
If you have subcomponents, you have to use ComponentType
If none of the above is true, you can use this. This is more specific than the ComponentType
, since that includes class
components as well, which we don't need. Don't use FC
because its usage is discouraged by the React community.
(props: ...Props/...Interface) => JSX.Element
#Misc types
Other types can be pretty much named to your liking, but if those don’t fit the conventions we have, use a different suffix
for it, such as ...Type
, or something like IconName
is great as well.
Always document your exported types in the component's documentation page. Provide a description for what the type represents. If you're not sure how, you can always take a look at the ones already documented.
Always export types that may be useful to the users.