Last modified: 7/Oct/2024
A Group is a collection of checkboxes or radio buttons.
import { Checkbox, Group } from '@kinsta/stratus'
const MyComponent = () => (
<Group defaultValue={['empire']}>
<Checkbox name="team" label="Galactic empire" value="empire" />
<Checkbox name="team" label="Rebel alliance" value="alliance" />
import { Radio, Group } from '@kinsta/stratus'
const MyComponent = () => (
<Group defaultValue="empire">
<Radio name="team" label="Galactic empire" value="empire" />
<Radio name="team" label="Rebel alliance" value="alliance" />
import { RadioCard, Group, Icon } from '@kinsta/stratus' const MyComponent = () => ( <Group defaultValue="value1"> <RadioCard value="value1"> <RadioCard.Content title="Radio Card title" description="Radio Card description" icon={<Icon type="KinstaLogo" />} /> </RadioCard> <RadioCard value="value2"> <RadioCard.Content title="Radio Card title" description="Radio Card description" /> </RadioCard> </Group> )
string | string[]
Decides which checkboxes or radio are selected initially. The Radio uses a string for default value and the Checkbox uses an array of strings
string | string[]
Decides which checkboxes or radio are selected. The Radio uses a string for values and the Checkbox uses an array of strings
(key: string | string[]) => void
The callback that runs when an item changes
The children can only be Checkbox, Radio or RadioCard components
"vertical" | "horizontal"
The way the items are displayed - Defaults to vertical
string | ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>>
Renders and error text below the label.
: props of theGroup
component processed by stratus
Read more about types here