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Last modified: 7/Oct/2024


The Select component can be used when you want to offer a handful of options to the user to choose from (usually more than what would be ideal for a RadioButton), and the user can only choose one option.


So you can use the Select component this easy:

<Select options={['item-1', 'item-2']} onChange={handleOnChange} />

Of course, you can use labels, if you need to:

<Select options={[ { label: 'Item 1', value: 'item-1' }, { label: 'Item 2', value: 'item-2' }, ]} />

Also, you can use React children as well! The following snippets result is same as the above:

<Select onChange={handleOnChange}> <Select.Option value="item-1">Item 1</Select.Option> <Select.Option value="item-2">Item 2</Select.Option> </Select>

In addition, we introduced a new feature: groups, like the HTML element. Consider this array:

const groups = [ { label: 'Series', options: [ { label: 'Stranger Things', value: 'stranger-things', }, { label: 'Squid Game', value: 'squid-game', }, ], }, { label: 'Movies', options: [ { label: 'Top Gun Maverick', value: 'new-top-gun', }, ], }, ]
<Select options={groups} onChange={handleOnChange} />

Of course, you can use JSX here as well:

<Select onChange={handleOnChange}> <Select.OptionGroup label="Series"> <Select.Option value="stranger-things">Stranger Things</Select.Option> <Select.Option value="squid-game">Squid Game</Select.Option> </Select.OptionGroup> <Select.OptionGroup label="Movies"> <Select.Option value="new-top-gun">Top Gun Maverick</Select.Option> </Select.OptionGroup> </Select>


The Select components interface extends the HTMLSelectElement interface. So you can use any props which documented there. Also, you can utilize all the React Synthetic events (on*), and props related to styling (className, style). These props will be applied to the Select's reference button.

import { ReactElement } from 'react' type SelectOption = string | { label: ReactElement | string; value: string } type SelectOptionGroup = { label: string; options: SelectItem[] }
Changes the layout and the look of the Select
A string represents the value selected outside the component
string | (ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>> & string)
Sets the disabled state of the select input and prevents opening it
string | ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>>
It displays the given string as the content of the error message.
Set the error state of the select
string | ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>>
Content of the description
Content for placeholder
(value: string) => void
Handler that called when the selection changes
The floating element will have a maxHeight property with the given number in px. If left empty, it will fill the available height.
Adjust the width of the items to the parent width
Decides the placement of the dropdown
By default the floating element is rendered into a React portal to avoid stacking context issues. You can disable this behaviour and render the element next to the reference
Option[] | Group[]
The options of the Select. Alternatively you can use the children prop to provide the options.


  • SelectProps: props of the Select component processed by stratus
  • SelectInterface: SelectProps extended by Omit<HTMLProps<HTMLSelectElement>, 'value' | 'onChange' | 'placeholder' | 'label'>
  • SelectOptionProps: props of the Select.Option component processed by stratus
  • OptionGroupProps: props of the Select.OptionGroup component processed by stratus
  • SelectOptionOrGroupElements: the type that includes the Select.Option, Select.OptionGroup and arrays of them.

Read more about types here

#See also