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Last modified: 7/Oct/2024


We have a very simple typographic system in Stratus.

The foundational typography elements are localed in this package.

We use two font families. Our primary font is Inter. and the brand font is Reckless.

Our primary font

Use Inter font in almost every case.


Our brand font

Use Reckless font only when you intend to indicate our brand. It's usually used for titles.


There are two ways to use typographic components

  1. by using only the CSS rules, and compositing a custom ruleset:
import styled from '@emotion/styled' import { body } from '@kinsta/stratus' export const MyComponent = () => ( styled.span(body) )
  1. by using the component:
import { Heading } from '@kinsta/stratus' export const MyComponent = () => ( <> <Heading size="m">My title</Heading> <Content /> </> )

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