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Last modified: 7/Oct/2024

Set Stratus up and running

We strive to make Stratus as easy to use as possible. Nevertheless, you have to go through a few steps to be able to use it in your project. Bare with us.

#1. Obtain a token

We use GitHub Packages to distribute Stratus. In order to access them, you will need a Personal Access Token. You can easily generate it yourself. Alternatively, you can use the token stored in 1Password.

#2. Setup your environment

Set the token as an environment variable, named NPM_TOKEN. On macOS, you can do this with a simple one-liner:

echo "\export NPM_TOKEN=my_personal-access-token" >> ~/.zshrc && source ~/.zshrc

#3. Install the main Stratus package

Use your preferred package manager to add the @kinsta/stratus package latest version.

#4. Utilize the main context provider component

Wrap your application into our context provider, like this:

import { StratusProvider } from '@kinsta/stratus' export const MyPreciousApp = () => ( <StratusProvider language="en"> <MyContent /> </StratusProvider> )

#5. Change language

To change the language of the Stratus components you need to call the onChangeLanguage method pragmatically in a child component of the StratusProvider.

import { Button, I18nContext } from '@kinsta/stratus' const MyContent = (): JSX.Element => { const { onChangeLanguage } = useContext(I18nContext) return ( <> <button onClick={() => onChangeLanguage('de')}>change langugae</button> <Button isLoading={isLoading}>Hello World!</Button> </> ) }

This component provides tools for internationalization and sets global styling, so you have to use it, otherwise your code will break.


If you have problems during the installation, you can read a troubleshooting article here.

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